Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Writers Write

Dear Lucas,

On this day you’re one year, three months and 14 days old. And in this short time I’ve seen you do the most fascinating things I’ve ever seen. It seems like almost every day you show me some new thing that you can do. On your second day in this world you lifted your head up on your own, even the pediatrician was surprised. Then like magic you were soon waving hello and goodbye, making wawawa sounds by moving your hand to and from your mouth, grinning wide to show your teeth (you almost had a full set even before you turned one!), crawling backwards to the edge of the bed to make sure you dismounted butt-first to avoid injury and whining with frustration whenever Papa would say “no” to your attempts to touch the electrical wall outlet.

Papa’s friends and relatives have been asking why he has not been writing for some time. Well, I have, but not for public consumption. I guess they just got used to seeing my by line and works in various publications for so long that they assumed that I just stopped altogether when they stopped seeing my name in print. But the fact is I’ve been writing for a living – as strategic communications counselor (wow, big words) all my thoughts, ideas and recommendations have to be written.

I’ve written the occasional feature and guest column from time to time. I also started writing a blog for a major TV network’s news website. But after sometime I felt disconnected from my audience although I would get tremendous feedback. Later I was just uninspired.

I felt I was back to that point when I left journalism. As a young reporter I felt I had a mission -- a noble cause to keep Filipinos informed so that they could live their lives, pursue their dreams and have a purpose. But I guess life and its harsh realities have a way of whittling away all that good vibe. I just got tired of reporting on earth-shaking events that had no meaning or purpose a few years later. People have short memories… they forget… they screw up all over again.

So I decided to turn my pen (or keyboard) towards writing that had a direct influence on public policy, providing my communications skills to organizations and people who could effect change. Not as glamorous, but very effective.

All that changed on the day you were born, Lucas. You had a gleam in your eyes that was full of hope… of dreams yet to be fulfilled and dragons still to be slayed. I just knew I had to go back to journalism, if only to report to you, share my analysis, thoughts and aspirations.

I cannot tell you what lies ahead. All I can do is give you is a chronicle of the times we live in today and a sense of where I came from in that hopes that you can make sense of your own life and times

So here, I start with my letters to you. Maybe someday you’ll write me back, perhaps to say I’ve been right all along or to prove me wrong on my warped views.

All my love,


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